Sunday, 8 April 2007

Painting with Carissa

Naomi went out with the girls today and left me with the kids. We had a great day. i made playdough with them, watched Narnia, and did some painting with Carissa. When i turned my back she poured the green paint all over the pavers. ha! Then Naomi came home just as they were making a mess :( Have you heard the saying happy wife happy life? Well the opposite is also true. They trampled green paint into the house, just after we had the carpets cleaned :( But I blame her because they followed her into the house ;) lol
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LOUD? said...

i didn't realise they had paint all over the sloes of their feet!

sam asked for a bath and i let him trudge behind me into the house...........

well done keeping them occupied
(if not clean)pete!

Deb said...

LOL - yeah, top marks for creativity, the encouragement award for tidiness!! ;)

It's definitely created an unforgettable moment in the annals of the Rees family!!

Man, they look cute in those massive paint shirts!!