Friday, 6 April 2007

Parents: Let us smack our kids

This is part of an article that was on the front page of the telegraph on Good Friday.

PARENTS are being warned not to smack their children in guidelines being released by a child welfare agency supported by the Federal Government.

The guidelines, available in 16 languages on the Australian Childhood Foundation's Kidscount website, tell parents that smacking children even on rare occasions teaches them that violence is acceptable later in life.

The $2.5 million taxpayer-funded campaign advises that, "Physical punishment causes pain to stop the behaviour. For example, hitting a child with a hand or object.''

It also states that physical punishment "teaches children that violence can be an acceptable way to solve problems'', and that it can have an adverse impact on their emotional development.

"Physical punishment can undermine a child's sense of love and security. They can often become anxious, fearful or rebellious,'' the guidelines say.

Tell me what your thoughts are on the topic.


Matt said...

Yeah. I thnk you need to think through the issues. Kids change they get older and their are other options. But sometimes when they are young - this is a good option. Immediate pain. Although some people think that you if you teach your child that they can flaunt the system by having a tantrum they will actual y get further when they are older. ie they will get paid more, better oppurtunities, will negotiate harder etc. ( but be obviously morally corrupt!)

LOUD? said...

Carissa pelts to her room with her two little hands clutching her bottom when she knows shes done the wrong thing. Looks cute. Not so cute after the smack. he he. Definately effective discipline for her 2 year old self.

Lol @ your pics Pete!

Rinni said...

I got smacked and there's nothing wrong with me....much...! :op

LOUD? said...

just pondering karin's statement...........

Anonymous said...

Spud will get smacked with 2 warnings first!

Anonymous said...

but then spud will be a perfect child and never do ANYTHING wrong and I will be a perfect parent with all the answers so there will be no need. ;p